Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Transfer of the Blog

With the conclusion of ABAP's initial campaign to amend the unfairness of the new Staff Travel scheme, this blog is transferring to the ABAP website at:


Please bookmark the site in your web browser.

Alternatively you can access the blog there directly by following this address:


Accordingly, although this blog will remain available, comment on it is closed.

Finally, supporters will know that the Staff Travel Watch website is at:


That website will remain open indefinitely and lead the campaign against the injustices of BA towards its pensioners; please keep a watch on the website.

In the meantime, may I thank everyone for their support and participation. The campaign may have failed in its original objectives but it has flushed out those who would seek to support BA against its pensioners and who have sought positions of influence on the various bodies to pursue agendas not conducive to the interests of retired staff.

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